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Recommended Subreddits for keyword: saas


self-promotion is allowed on mondays only for promoted content, provided it is done with high effort and does not detract from text-based dialogue.


self-promotion is allowed if it is relevant, adds value, and is helpful to the community. however, excessive self-promotion is considered spam and can lead to a ban.


self-promotion is allowed only if it genuinely benefits the community and is not blatant promotion.


self-promotion is allowed as long as it is done in a specific and constructive manner. users are encouraged to share their work and seek specific feedback, without fear of being labeled as shills.


self-promotion is allowed as long as it is relevant to the django community and accompanied by participation in other discussions to avoid being flagged as spam.


users can self promote their product 1 time using the show ih flare for feedback and critique.


self-promotion is allowed as long as the user discloses their connection to the tool/resource, uses the appropriate flair, and ensures that the post is primarily a value-add for the community.


self-promotion is allowed as long as the shared links provide value to others and do not constitute spam.


self-promotion is allowed if it aligns with the community's guidelines, specifically by being an active and positive member, and sharing content in response to relevant questions.


self-promotion is allowed as long as it is not the sole purpose of the submission and includes discussion information.